Sometime in 1991, I started this quilt - machine satin stitch appliqued and hand quilted. It's background is a lovely cotton satin with a pretty, soft sheen. I used patterns from magazines, books and even designed some on my own. The border was my design, also. It turned out to be a lovely quilt. I finished it in 1992. I decided to send in some slides to the American Quilters Society for their annual quilt show. It was accepted! A thrill to be sure. My husband and I had booked a bus trip to go to Paducah to see the show. The night before we left I got a call saying I had won second in Amateur Applique. That was the thrill of my quilting life to be sure. Ten years later, I sent in slides for From There to There to There to Here. It was accepted to hang in the show but did not win a prize. However, just to have a quilt there is as good as winning.

The above is a picture of the lady who won first prize, me and the two girls who represented VIP fabrics, the sponsor for that category. This was the picture in the issue of the magazine that contained the contest pictures.
(Click to enlarge)